Timetable Changes from 15th May 2022 – Cuts to the Saturday service

The timetables changed from 15th May, and TPE were keen to point out that across the network they are running an additional 33 services every weekday. [That’s disregarding cancellations, planned or unplanned, but let’s not go there.]

What they didn’t bother to point out was that up to and including 30th July, Slaithwaite & Marsden will have 13 fewer services on Saturdays.

Essentially, all the additional services which run at peak times to give a half-hourly service pattern have been withdrawn. The majority of the services which have been cut are in late afternoon – early evening, which is precisely the time when the ale trail is at its busiest.

Many people have strongly-held opinions about whether or not the ale trail is a good thing, and SMART has always tried to stay out of that argument.

However, whether or not you approve of the ale trail, it exists and trying to squeeze the same number of passengers on to half the number of trains at its busiest time is not a sensible thing to do.

It also didn’t occur to TPE that cutting 25% of the Saturday service might be of interest or relevance to the rail users’ groups covering Mossley, Greenfield, Marsden and Slaithwaite.

Link to timetable is North (tpexpress.co.uk)

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