“Hundreds of fare dodgers in West Yorkshire costing tens of thousands of pounds”

And how much revenue are Northern Rail missing out on, where passengers don’t have the opportunity to purchase tickets?

The reluctance or inability of conductors to sell tickets (because their ticket machine isn’t working, or for other unspecified reasons) has been a constant theme for several years. Northern Rail’s senior management are well aware of this problem.

We hope no-one endorses fare dodging, but sometimes it’s not the passenger’s fault. Northern Rail also bear some responsibility for the problem of uncollected fares.

[from the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 31st January 2014]

A total of 54 ticket cheats were caught at Huddersfield last year, and in all some 844 were caught on the Northern Rail network

Rail bosses have declared war – on the region’s fare dodgers.

They have revealed the line running through Huddersfield, from Leeds to Manchester, is one of the hotspots for a crime that is costing tens of thousands of pounds.

A total of 54 ticket cheats were caught at Huddersfield last year, and in all some 844 were caught on the Northern Rail network.

Halifax was also a troublespot with 69 fare-dodgers.

Other stations in the area to be affected were Dewsbury (9) Mirfield (5) Deighton (4) and Slaithwaite (6).

Now Northern Rail has launched a campaign to crack down on fare dodgers across West Yorkshire.

The company has launched two online videos and a series of station and train posters showing two scenarios where someone takes something for free.

Northern has revealed that in West Yorkshire, the most common journey where people are caught travelling without a ticket was from Leeds to Manchester Piccadilly.

Managing director Alex Hynes said:

“We know from talking to our customers they have a real problem when they see others not paying for their journey.

“We don’t want to see passengers get into trouble and want to make sure they understand the implications of taking a free ride.

“The videos show two situations that we know people wouldn’t do, and show that not paying for a train ticket is the same, so why do it?

“We hear all sorts of excuses from passengers as to why they don’t have a ticket – they don’t have any money or a conductor did not come down the train and sell them one.

“It’s the passenger’s responsibility to buy a ticket, so they must seek out the conductor to get one or if that is not possible, then buy a ticket at their destination station.”

New ticket barriers installed at Huddersfield last year will help reduce the problem and Northern Rail also plans to invest in more ticket machines.

Fare evasion continues to be a huge issue for the rail industry, costing £240million per year.

See the videos at northernrail.org/getaticket

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